TC names Mike Dumdei VP of Information Technology

Dumdei.jpgPresident James Henry Russell is pleased to announce the promotion of Mike Dumdei to Vice President of Information Technology of Texarkana College. Dumdei has worked for Texarkana College for more than 20 years as a faculty member and network administrator.  In 2011, he was named Director of Information Technology, and he recently led the institution through a major technology conversion that will result in an easier interface for students, faculty and staff. The conversion is expected to save the College millions of dollars over the next several years.

Dumdei said he has a passion for programming and computer network systems.

“I like the challenge of solving problems,” he said. “I see the work as something to conquer, and I have a sense of victory when I get something to work right. I program for fun!”

As a faculty member, Dumdei taught courses at Texarkana College in Business Computer Information Systems (BCIS) to students not only pursing degrees in computer science, but also to students in all academic degree programs.  As a lead instructor in computer science technology, he also taught introductory and advanced courses in networking, network security and programming.

Dumdei discovered his interest in computers while serving as a computer operator in the United States Marine Corps. He also began tinkering with programmable calculators and realized he could make the machine do so much more than what the average user could by programming the device to respond to complex commands. He bought his first computer from Radio Shack—a TRS80—and began to write code for the hardware.  Dumdei soon found a niche for developing software programs that would debug computers, and his work was published in the trade journal Soft Sector Magazine.  After moving to Texas from Iowa, he developed state-certified voting software for managing elections.

 “I am a perfectionist, and I want to do more than just work,” Dumdei said. “I want to make things better.”

At Texarkana College, Dumdei has done just that. Russell sees him as one of the most talented people he has ever met.

 “Mike has demonstrated so much more to me than being a good computer programmer,” Russell said. “He is also a man of integrity, a team builder and a visionary for change. He has led the technology transformation of our institution from one that was dependent on a high-dollar software platform managed by consultants to a culture of independence where the user is able to manage the software interface with more confidence and ease.”

Dumdei began pursuing his higher education degree as a student at Iowa Central Community College, where he earned his Associate Degree. After moving to Texarkana, he took programming classes at Texarkana College and eventually earned his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees from Texas A&M University -Texarkana.  Mike is married to Tonya and has three children, Carla, Brandon and Rawlin.

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