An Affordable College in Texas
Our Mission is advancing our community through attainable higher education and lifelong learning.

About TC
Offering 40 various degree and certificate programs, along with nine different non-credit training programs, we consistently rank in the top five community colleges in Texas for student completion rates. Learn more about one of the most affordable colleges in Texas!

Why Choose TC
With something for everyone, friendly faculty, academic excellence, and more, see what makes this affordable college the best place to be!

Leadership, Faculty, & Staff
Faculty & Staff directory along with info about our Offices & Departments and Board of Trustees.

Our highest priority is increasing the number of people with higher education credentials in our area.

Excellence in instruction, financial management, and facilities will provide a safe, secure, and effective learning environment.

Texarkana College is committed to student success and completion. One way we honor our commitment is by being one of the most affordable colleges in Texas.

TC for All
An equitable and accessible campus culture fosters the support of Texarkana College’s diverse community of students, faculty, and staff.

Community trust and support of Texarkana College are catalysts for regional economic development and provide a high return on investment.