Bequest language for a gift in your will
You can include a gift to Texarkana College in your will or trust. Below are sample provisions that your advisors can use to memorialize your charitable intentions toward TC.

With a specific bequest, you may stipulate that a certain percentage of your estate, a certain dollar amount or particular assets be given to TC. Examples of such language may include:
- “I give $______ to Texarkana College, a nonprofit corporation in Bowie County, Texas, for its general purposes.”
- “I give _____% of my estate to Texarkana College, a nonprofit corporation in Bowie County, Texas, for its general purposes.”
- “I give the following described property to Texarkana College, a nonprofit corporation in Bowie County, Texas, for its general purposes: [describe property].”
With a residuary bequest, you may state that all, or a portion, of the estate be given to TC after specific gifts are distributed to other beneficiaries. Examples of such language may include:
- “I give all of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate to Texarkana College, a nonprofit corporation in Bowie County, Texas, for its general purposes.”
- “I give _____% of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate to Texarkana College, a nonprofit corporation in Bowie County, Texas, for its general purposes.”
If you want to designate how TC uses your bequest, your will or trust should specify a particular purpose. To ensure that your goals can be accomplished, please contact us before you sign your estate planning documents. An example of such language may include:
- “I give [amount, description of asset, percentage of estate, remainder, etc.] to Texarkana College, a nonprofit corporation in Bowie County, Texas, to be used for [purpose].”
If you want your bequest to be held in perpetuity while the income stream is used to support TC, your will or trust must specify that the gift creates an endowed fund. To ensure that your goals can be accomplished, please contact us before you sign your estate planning documents. An example of such language may include:
- “I give [amount, description of asset, percentage of estate, remainder, etc.] to Texarkana College, a nonprofit corporation in Bowie County, Texas, for the creation of [name of donor endowment fund], with the income being used for [purpose] in accordance with its endowment spending policy.”
We require a $25,000 minimum level for new named endowment funds to ensure that income can provide funds for a scholarship.
Please let us know if you have included TC in any of your planning so we can properly record your gift intention and welcome you as a new member of the Legacy Society. Notifying us of your plans is also a great way to encourage others to follow your lead in supporting the mission of TC.