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Texarkana College students, employees raise more than $4,000 for Hurricane Harvey relief

Texarkana College students and faculty have raised more than $2,000 in the past month to benefit the Harvey HELP Fund. The Texarkana College Foundation Board agreed to match any funds raised on campus, bringing the total donation to over $4,000.

The Harvey HELP fund is crowd-sourced relief fund started by state and national higher education and philanthropic partners.  The fund is dedicated to aiding the close to 500,000 students impacted by Hurricane Harvey—almost a third of all college and university students in the state. HELP stands for Higher Education Learning Pathways and will provide emergency funds to enable students in southeast Texas to stay on or more quickly return to their education pathway.

“I’m proud of our students and faculty for raising these funds to benefit college students in areas affected by Harvey,” said James Henry Russell, Texarkana College President. “Higher education institutions in Texas work together and look out for each other, and I know that if Northeast Texas were hit by a catastrophic disaster, our friends in higher ed would do the same for us.”

Last month, the Student Government Association held a car wash on campus that raised almost $900 for the Harvey HELP fund. TC’s business office spearheaded a Facebook bake sale auction that raised nearly $1,000. Other groups and individuals across campus also contributed to the fund.

Learn more about the Harvey HELP fund at https://www.gofundme.com/harveyhelpstudents.

For additional information or to make a donation to the TC Foundation, please contact Katie Andrus at (903) 823-3125 or katie.andrus@texarkanacollege.edu.

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