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TC Professional Driving Academy partners with NTCC

Northeast Texas Community College will soon team up with Texarkana College to expand the TC Professional Driving Academy’s training to NTCC students.

At a regular TC Board of Trustees meeting held at TC@TexAmericas Center on June 22, trustees approved a Memorandum of Understanding between TC and NTCC to enroll NTCC students in TC’s Professional Driving Academy.

“The collaboration with NTCC for the Professional Driving Academy program is a good business decision for both institutions,” said Ronda Dozier, Dean of Workforce & Continuing Education. “Each college will receive revenue from the program and the partnership will boost enrollment. Classes will continue to meet at the TC@TexAmericas Center site.”

The board also toured TC@TexAmericas Center and heard updates concerning the technical training programs at the site, including welding, diesel technology, customized training for Red River Army Depot employees and vendors, and the TC Professional Driving Academy.  

In other business, trustees took action to approve a contract with Cenergistic®, a company that delivers comprehensive energy conservation programs to help reduce consumption of energy and water. TC will purchase EnergyCap software to analyze campus-wide energy usage data. Energy cost savings is estimated to amount to over $320,000 during the five year contract period with Cenergistic®.

President James Henry Russell said the contract with Cenergistic® is just one example of ways TC works to reduce costs and operate within a balanced budget.

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