Watch the Graduation Livestream starting shortly before 7:00 p.m. tonight

Nursing Preceptor program

Please use this web page for the following:

  • to sign up as a nursing preceptor.
  • to renew your agreement (resubmit full form – this must be completed every two years).
  • to update contact information at any time.

Thank you for your interest in serving as a Texarkana College Nursing preceptor. Collected information will not be shared outside of the Health Sciences Division and will only be used to contact you regarding business pertaining to the preceptor program (annual renewal reminder, etc). We look forward to working with you.


  1. view Nursing Preceptor Reference Guide (PDF) and use as a resource.
  2. complete web form below with all required fields & click submit.
  3. you will receive a confirmation email with an attached PDF copy of agreement form.