Disability Services
Director of Disability Services, Tonya Blase, discusses accessibility accommodations.
Hello, my name is Tonya Blase. I’m director of disability services for Texarkana College.
I’d like to say first of all, welcome to TC. We’re really glad you’re here.
Something that some people do not know is that in college you can receive reasonable academic accommodations for the classroom setting.
This can be a disability such as a physical disability or a if it is a learning disability.
So if you have any questions about whether or not you would qualify for assistance. Feel free to give me a call at 903-823-3349 and I’ll talk to you about what our reasonable accommodations. How do we apply them in the classroom and what process you would need to go through? One thing I can tell you for sure is you will need to have documentation from your doctor or a 504 plan ISP plan. If you’ve just come out of high school, will also work that shows what your disability is. And what those suggested or recommended accommodations might be?
So if you have any questions, please feel free to call me again and my my office number is 903-823-3349 and again welcome to Texarkana College, thanks.